The Jewish War Veterans of the USA (JWV) is reaffirming its commitment in joining the Foundation to Combat Antisemitism (FCAS) as an official partner of #StandUpToJewishHate. This national campaign encourages all Americans to combat antisemitism by using the #🟦 as a symbol of unifying support to combat antisemitism. Jews make up only 2.4% of the American population[1], yet are the victims of 55% of religious-based hate crimes[2]. This alarming statistic is the cornerstone of this new campaign created by Robert K. Kraft and his family. JWV joins the Foundation and numerous other partnered organizations including the Anti-Defamation League, Hillel International, Urban League, The Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs, National Governors Association, and the League of Women Voters to stand up to Jewish hate.
Through the #StandUpToJewishHate campaign, the Foundation to Combat Antisemitism established 🟦, the Blue Square emoji, as a simple, but powerful symbol of solidarity and support for the Jewish community. The 🟦 is shared across the country on TV screens, billboards, and social media feeds. The initial roll-out included popular NBC shows such as The Voice, The Kelly Clarkson Show , and TODAY with an introduction to the 🟦 and a discussion on antisemitism.
“The #StandUpToJewishHate campaign is designed to raise awareness for the fight against antisemitism, specifically among non-Jewish audiences and to help all Americans understand that there is a role for each of us to play in combating a problem that is unfortunately all too prevalent in communities across the country today,” said Robert K. Kraft, Founder of the Foundation to Combat Antisemitism. “We must stand up and take action against the rise of all hate and I hope everyone will post and share the Blue Square to show their support in this fight.”
Founded in 1896, the Jewish War Veterans of the USA is the premier voice for Jewish uniformed service members and veterans in the United States. The JWV affirms that Jewish men and women have served and continue to serve honorably and heroically in the military forces of the United States of America during peacetime and war. The JWV defends the rights and benefits of all service members, veterans, and their families. We combat against antisemitism and continue to support the State of Israel.
JWV National Commander, Colonel Barry Lischinsky (Retired) stated “As the only Jewish Veterans Service Organization, JWV opposes all forms of hatred, discrimination and bigotry but is especially outspoken on antisemitism. Our mission of combating antisemitism becomes even more important and must remain at the forefront of our actions.”
“As instances of antisemitism continue to rise across the country, JWV asks all Americans to be vigilant, learn, and help educate our fellow citizens about antisemitism. JWV is doing its part by coalition building with organizations like Foundation to Combat Antisemitism (#🟦) and others across the Nation. We are partnering with StandWithUs to address antisemitism at colleges and universities.”
JWV stands ready to be a resource for individuals and organizations in helping to educate Americans. We believe that education is the key to reducing antisemitic actions and incidents in America and around the world.
JWV encourages our members and our allied partners to #StandUpToJewishHate in a number of ways:
- Post and share 🟦 – an emoji already available on most smartphones – as a hashtag across social media alongside a message of support for the Jewish community and commitment to stand up to Jewish hate.
- Activate your network by making them aware of the #StandUpToJewishHate campaign and how they can use 🟦 as a powerful symbol of solidarity with the Jewish community.
- Tell your story to followers on social media, describing an instance where you’ve either encountered antisemitism and how it affected you or witnessed someone standing up against hatred towards Jews.
- Visit and subscribe to the Foundation’s ”From the Command Center” e-newsletter to keep up to date on how antisemitism is spreading online, learn ways to identify and report it, and find helpful tools and resources around antisemitism.
- Follow the #StandUpToJewishHate campaign at @StandUpToJewishHate on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok to keep up to date with 🟦 and learn more about antisemitism.
- Report antisemitism immediately when you see it, and if it is an emergency, dial 911. You can learn more about how best to report antisemitism by visiting
[1] “Jewish Americans in 2020,” Pew Research Center, May 21, 2021,
[2] FBI data released in October 2023, covering crimes reported in 2022, shows that about 55% of all religion-based hate crimes were driven by anti-Jewish bias.
About Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America
Founded in 1896, the Jewish War Veterans (JWV) of the USA is the premier voice for Jewish uniformed service members and veterans in the United States. The JWV affirms that Jewish men and women serve honorably and heroically in the military forces of the United States of America during peacetime and war. The JWV defends the rights and benefits of all service members and veterans, combats antisemitism, and supports the State of Israel.