Mission Statement
The Jewish War Veterans (JWV) is the premier voice for Jewish uniformed service members and veterans in the United States. The JWV affirms that Jewish men and women serve honorably and heroically in the military forces of the United States of America during peacetime and war. The JWV defends the rights and benefits of all service members and veterans, combats antisemitism, and supports the State of Israel.
Vision Statement
The Jewish War Veterans will continue to be a leading Veterans Service Organization in the United States, supporting and advocating for all uniformed service members, veterans, and their families.
Current Issues before Congress and the Executive Branch
On The HillBy National Executive Director Ken Greenberg I bring you greetings from JWV headquarters. I am pleased to share information on current issues before Congress and the Executive Branch. Please write […]
Congressional, Executive Branch, and White House Updates
On The HillBy Ken Greenberg, National Executive Director JWV advocacy and outreach to Capitol Hill, Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Department of Defense, and other VSOs continued to be robust during the […]
JWV’s 2021 Legislative Priorities
On The HillBy Larry Jasper, National Editor and Cara Rinkoff, Managing Editor At JWV’s National Convention in New Orleans last month, the Resolutions Committee approved 12 resolutions which will inform our organization’s […]