Why does JWV support JROTC?
The Jewish War Veterans of the USA shares the core values of Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) programs, high school programs which foster the ethical values and principles that underlie good citizenship in America’s youth. JWV continues to live its mission – to protect veterans’ rights, to spread Americanism, and to promote community – and we hope that working with JROTC cadets will further these goals.
What is the JWV Americanism Medal?
JWV’s Americanism Medal is awarded to JROTC cadets who are leaders in their communities and actively support the causes of the Jewish War Veterans of the U.S.A. It is our way of recognizing the exemplary work of these young leaders. The Americanism Medal can be awarded to deserving students if they meet the following requirements:
- Remain in good academic standing among their peers.
- Maintain a leadership position in their JROTC unit, or show exemplary leadership potential within JROTC and other school activities.
- Show interest in continuing towards a military or public service career.
- Attend at least two Jewish War Veterans events or meetings if a Post is in the area. If time and location do not allow this, ten community service hours can be completed instead.
To nominate a cadet for this award, please send an email to jwv@jwv.org. This email must contain the following or the cadet will not be considered for the award.
- Cadet’s name and rank
- Senior Instructor and rank
- Date of award ceremony
- Mailing address
JWV will provide one bronze medal and personalized certificate to each program free of charge, if there is not a JWV post nearby. Many posts sponsor awards for outstanding JROTC students and members actively assist JROTC programs because their military experience allows them to be effective instructors. In the future, we will be working towards connecting schools with local posts to foster a better relationship between JWV and local communities.
Want to get involved? Contact the JWV Programs Department at jwv@jwv.org or 202-265-6280 to find out if there is a post or JROTC program near you, or start your own!