Jewish Warrior Weekend: A Success for JWV and Cadets

JWV National Commander Barry Lischinsky and National Vice Commander Gary Ginsburg spoke with future Jewish military leaders from West Point, NY and the Citadel in Charleston, SC on October 28, 2023.

NC Lischinsky briefed the Jewish cadets present on the history, purpose, and current and future JWV priorities.

NC Lischinsky pointed out, “JWV will continue to support this important program and we will know in a few weeks the location for the spring 2024 Jewish Warrior Weekend event. Lischinsky indicated, “we obtained six more signed JWV membership applications from our West Point cadets and future Army leaders.”

US Army Major General retired Jeff Jacobs (2nd from right in group picture) was also present for this leadership professional development opportunity as chairman of the West Point NY Jewish Chapel Fund. General Jacobs is also a member of the JWV.

JWV also appreciates the support provided by the College of Charleston Hillel office, and the Jewish lay leader from USMA Colonel Ben Wallen.

Volume 77. Number 4. 2023