Brand New Post of Fifteen New JWV Members Formed in Massachusetts

By PNC Harvey Weiner

On September 10, 2023, JWV members came from all over the state of Massachusetts to celebrate the creation of a new JWV post in Massachusetts, certainly the first in the Department in at least fifty years. Perhaps it is the first new post north of the Mason-Dixon line during that same time period.

The event was held in the Cape Cod Synagogue in Hyannis, with nary a Kennedy in sight. The new post is numbered 508 and is named the Cape & Islands Post. PNCs, Ira Novoselsky and Harvey Weiner, National Commander Bary Lischinsky, Massachusetts Department Commander, Dr. Sidney L. Davis and several other Massachusetts JWV stalwarts attended and spoke at the ceremony.

What is remarkable and unprecedented is that the new Post includes fifteen (15) brand new JWV members. This post was mainly the efforts of new Post Commander, retired Lt. Col. Gary Gordon (U.S. Army), assisted by past JWV National Chaplain Rear Admiral Rabbi Harold Robinson, (U.S. Navy (Ret.)). Leaders of the Department provided guidance and encouragement prior to and during its formation, but it was the efforts of a couple of determined individuals that recruited their new members and created the Post.

Gordon is Post Commander and Robinson is Senior Vice Commander and Chaplain. New member Ron Kramer is Junior Vice Commander and new member Harvey Albert is Quartermaster.
And the new Post Commander indicates that there are three other possible new members!

Volume 77. Number 3. 2023