A resolution is a written motion adopted by a deliberative body. The final written product is a policy-making proposal that informs JWV membership and others of JWV’s position on an issue or topic, as well as inform our Legislative Priorities presented before Congress. Resolutions are discussed and debated on a post level and then elevated to a national level through the National Resolutions Committee.

  • All proposed resolutions must be submitted to the respective Department for approval before being sent to the committee.
  • Once approved by the Department, all proposed resolutions will be sent via email to: Resolutions@jwv.org or to the attention of Christy Turner at JWV National, 1811 R Street NW, Washington, DC 20009.
  • All proposed resolutions will contain the name and post number of the requestor and the dated approval signature of the Department Commander.
  • All proposed resolutions must be submitted no later than 30 days prior to the commencement of the National Convention.
  • Proposed resolutions of an emergent nature may be accepted at the start of the Resolutions Committee session with the approval of the Chairperson.
  • Proposed resolutions will be formatted as follows
      • At the top of the page state the title of the proposed resolution.
      • Whereas – this will explain what action is being requested and why.
      • Proposed resolutions will conclude with “Therefore” – this will state: “The Jewish War Veterans of the USA requests” (Secretary   of Defense, Congress, etc.) to take the action requested.
  • Any questions should be directed as indicated in #2 above

As you know, any good debate begins with well-informed debaters. You’d expect there to be a fair amount of researching and talking with those experienced in the issue. That is also how you begin a resolution. Gather information and summarize. You need to give a little background on the issue, but it must be concise. For example, if you wish to talk about the VA claims process, you might inform us of the typical wait times, how many people are involved, and common types of claims.

Having explained the background, clearly state the issue. In the above example, you might say, “The VA claims process is unnecessarily lengthy to the determent of the veteran’s mental and physical health.”

Finally, offer solution(s) to address the issue. For our sample, “The VA must incorporate community partners to expedite the claims process and set the maximum length of processing time at 8 months.”

Each component of the resolution – background, issue statement, and proposed solution – should be clear and to the point. The final touch is to format the writing, so that all statements about the background information and issue begin with the word “WHEREAS” and all solutions begin with “THEREFORE.” Use the enclosed 2016 resolution as a guide.

Note that only one topic or issue is addressed. You might, for instance, have several VA-related issues to address. Each issue requires its own resolution.

  1. Title/name of the resolution (the issue)
  2. Pre-ambulatory clause: Explanation of the issue, including background and an issue statement. Begin the explanations with WHEREAS. Each “Whereas” statement should only address one fact or supporting argument related to the issue or problem.
  3. Operative clause: Proposed solutions to the issue. Begin the solutions with THEREFORE. Each “Therefore” statement should describe a separate action to be taken or proposed solution to resolve the issue or problem.

Contact the National Resolutions Committee Chair Larry Jasper at resolutions@jwv.org.