NEC 2022 Roundup

By PNC Dr. Barry Schneider

The National Executive Committee met in January in Orlando, Florida. While attendance was slightly less than usual, 33 members attended in person with an additional 20 NEC members via zoom.

The highlight of the NEC meeting itself was the acceptance of two new policies recommended by the Policy Committee. Both reflect a huge change in our operations and a clarity to our ongoing efforts to become more transparent.

The most significant policy deals with reimbursement of expenses by staff and volunteers. With extreme clarity, the policy lays out who can have JWV credit cards, what type of expenses are acceptable, and the procedures to request reimbursement.

NEC 2022 in Orlando, Florida. Photo Courtesy: Jerry Alperstein

Jewish War Veterans of the United States Expense Reimbursement Policy Effective March 1, 2022

This policy explains the guidelines for the reimbursement of expenses related to the general operation of JWV. This policy applies to the professional staff and volunteers in the performance of their duties on behalf of JWV.

Except as noted below, reimbursement for expenses by volunteers incurred on behalf of JWV must be approved by the National Executive Director (NED) in advance of the event.

JWV owned debit or credit cards are tightly controlled and limited only to short term use. These cards will be issued to the NED, Director of Operations, National Commander, Coordinating Committee Chairman, and National Vice Commander. Cards for both the National Commander and

National Vice Commander can only be used during their term of office.

The following JWV members are eligible for expense reimbursement:

National Commander

The National Commander is JWV’s Chief Executive Officer and ambassador, and as such, is entitled to reimbursement for travel expenses while conducting JWV business. Each year a budget for these expenses is developed and included as part of the annual JWV budget.

Room charges for both the National Commander and traveling companion (spouse, significant other and Chief of Staff) will be comped or reimbursed at standard room rates. Travel by personal vehicle will be reimbursed at the standard mileage rate as determined by the IRS for that particular year. Airfare and or travel by rail will be reimbursed at standard coach rates. Rental car reimbursement will include daily or weekly rental, insurance (if needed and not covered by personal auto insurance policy or credit card), gasoline and tolls (with proper receipts).

The National Executive Director will:

The NED will be responsible for reviewing and approving reimbursement requests by the professional staff.

Devise an official “Expense Reimbursement Form” for use by all members and the staff requesting reimbursement.

Individuals will be required to complete the form and submit it to the NED for review and approval.

Standard retention policy must be followed for processed Expense Reimbursement Forms, and these forms must be made available for inspection should the need arise.

Request for inspection must be made in advance to the NED and must not interfere with the daily operation of the organization.

JWV Travel Reimbursement Policies for Officers and members Conducting JWV Business:

Requests for reimbursement must be submitted to the NED. Where possible, these expenses should be approved in advance. Receipts are required to receive reimbursement.

Hotel charges will be reimbursed at the standard room rate.

Reasonable food expense will be reimbursed with required receipts. Under no circumstances will alcoholic beverages be reimbursed.
Train/Airfare will be reimbursed at the lowest coach rate.

Convention Chair – JWV – Expenses related to inspection of properties prior to the actual convention and or NEC. Room charges, prior to these gatherings will be comped or reimbursed at standard room rates.

Receipts for all expenses are required.

Air Travel – advanced reservations should be made as far in advance as possible. All air travel must be by the least expensive coach price.

Where possible, rooms provided free by the hotel should be used as follows for the following individuals.
• National Commander
• National Vice Commander
• Coordinating Committee Chairman
• Convention Chairman
• JWVA Convention Chairman
• Museum President
• JWV and National Museum staff.

Meals – reimbursement for meals will be made only when the Convention Committee is visiting properties for the purpose of inspecting and selecting sites for future conventions or NEC meetings.

Meals during the National Convention and NEC meetings will not be reimbursed, with the following exceptions:

National Commander for the National President’s Banquet and National Commander’s Banquet will be paid by JWV in advance of the event. Spouse, or significant other (if any) will also be paid by JWV.

Official Meals for Honored Guests – Cost of meal for any honored guest(s) will be reimbursed for the following:

• Honored guest, spouse or significant other
• National Commander, spouse or significant other
• National Vice Commander, spouse or significant other
• National President, spouse or significant other
• JWV Convention Chair, spouse or significant other
• JWVA Convention Chair, spouse or significant other

Alcoholic Beverages – There shall be no reimbursement for alcoholic beverages. Other attendees desiring alcoholic beverages must be paid for by the individual.

The second policy approved was a clarification of the hat policy for National Officers.

Jewish War Veterans of the USA Policy For Official Head Gear

This policy shall apply to the following past current and future National Officers of JWV and become effective upon approval by the Policy Committee.

The approved policy shall immediately be posted to the Manual of Ceremonies as prescribed in the Constitution and By Laws

JWV National Office will procure official hats for all National Officers.

1. The National Commander’s hat shall be embroidered with 4 stars and the lettering:
2. The National Vice Commander’s hat shall be embroidered with 3 stars and the lettering:
3. The National Judge Advocate hats shall be embroidered with 2 stars and the lettering:
NATIONAL JUDGE ADVOCATE no date will added to the hat due to an undetermined length of service.
4. The Chief National Chaplain’s hat shall be embroidered with 2 stars and may have a date of service if appropriate
5. The National Chief of Staff’s hat shall be embroidered with 1 star and the lettering:
6. The National Officer of the Day’s hat shall be embroidered with 1 star and the lettering: NATIONAL OFFICER of the DAY no date will added to the hat due to an undetermined length of service.
7. A cap will be provided to the National Executive Director, either the member or patron cap as appropriate and embroidered with the words NATIONAL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR.
8. The National Aide de Camp’s hat shall be embroidered with 1 star and the lettering:
9. The National Quartermaster’s hat shall be embroidered with 1 star and the lettering NATIONAL QUARTERMASTER XXXX-XXXX.

These policies will be added to the Manual of Ceremonies as directed by our Constitution.

The effort by the NEC under the leadership of President Jerry Blum are to be applauded as we continue to improve transparency and move our organization in to the 21st century.

Volume 76. Number 1. 2022