June Brunch Features New Officers in Maryland
By Fred Shapiro, Post 567 Commander
WASHINGTON – Located in Leisure World of Maryland, the Charles Krieger Jewish War Veterans Post 567 held its end of the season brunch June 10th featuring the election of new officers for the coming year 2018-2019. The Post is the only veterans organization located in a senior community of 8500 residents and is in the process of rebuilding its membership and activities in the community.
Membership in the Post is not restrictive to residents of Leisure World, but to veterans living in the proximity including Silver Spring, Aspen Hill and Olney. With the aging of our World War 2 and Korean veterans, the broader area is intended to bring more members into one of the two JWV posts in the Montgomery County of Maryland.
With the election of the new officers, the Post is looking to expand not only its activities for the veterans living in Leisure World and its vicinity but to\ add a Women’s Auxiliary to its membership. Recognizing the predominance of women in Leisure World who served in the military or were married to veterans, the addition will enable those interested to help plan for the future of the Post.
The installation was performed by Commander Sheldon Goldberg. He has also been an advisor to the incoming officers.
The officers elected are:
Commander Frederick M Shapiro
Sr. Vice Commander Jerome Cohen
Jr. Vice Commander Robert Kessler
Judge Advocate Ray Kurlander
Quartermaster Edwin Cohen
Adjutant Jerome Cohen
Chaplain Philip Wendkos
Past Commander Milton Loube
Women’s Representative Evelyn Sturza
Officer of the Day Robert Stromberg
Following in the path of the leadership provided in past years by Herb Alpert, Marvin Franklin and Milton Loube, the new officers are reaching out to the community in many ways. In addition to its monthly brunches, the Post will be hosting programs of interest to both the Jewish residents and to all the veterans living in Leisure World. Working in partnership with other Leisure World organizations, the Post will take a leadership role in helping to organize such things as the Memorial Day program, Veterans Day luncheon and a census of the veterans living in the community, as well as programs updating all veterans on legislation and VA reorganizations that will affect them.
Volume 72. Number 3. Fall 2018